NEW GPC presents bursary awards to NGSA students

The NEW GPC Inc. on Friday awarded bursaries to four students who were successful at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment examination. The recipients of the bursaries were: Joann Singh, Tanika Sam, Simanthra Scott, and Jamaal Wray.

From left to right in back row: Trisana Cox, GLU President Carvil Duncan, CCWU General Secretary Ann Anderson, NEW GPC INC Chief Financial Officer Ravi Ramcharitar and Company Secretary Paul Braam pose with the awardees after the ceremony

At a ceremony held at the company’s Farm, East Bank Demerara headquarters, NEW GPC Inc Chief Financial Officer Ravi Ramcharitar stated that education in today’s high tech environment is critical.
“You would find that the manual jobs are becoming fewer. Technology is being employed, and you need educated people to operate systems and run companies which could have been done manually in the past; so education is quite important in that aspect. If you want to succeed, you need education; you need to focus and work hard; you need to give yourself that charge to succeed. If you don’t have an education, you are setting yourself up for failure,” he said.
In closing, he congratulated the awardees on behalf of himself, the board of new GPC Inc. and its chairman, Dr Bobby Ramroop.
Guyana Labour Union General Secretary Carvil Duncan underscored that education is not only the key to success, it moulds the person. He said: “Sometimes, we ask ourselves why the educated man speaks differently from us; why it is the educated man earns more than us and the answer is very simple: the educated man has made a greater sacrifice.”
He congratulated the four awardees, but told them they are not educated as yet, as they have just started a journey up the mountain and if they do not continue on that road of success, they will come tumbling down. He added that they have to continue what they started with dedication.
He stated that parents have a very important role to play, explaining that there are instances where uneducated persons have produced doctors, lawyers, and presidents.
To the parents, Duncan said they must not think about themselves, but about a better life, a better future for their children. “I was told that the truth will set you free, but as you get older you get to understand things differently, that the book will lead you to prosperity.”
Clerical and Commercial Workers Union General Secretary Ann Anderson told the awardees where they are going to be, there are children who have stood out also, so they would have no time to relax, they would have to continue to make everyone proud. She added that the task has now begun for them and they would have to work harder.
Meanwhile, guest speaker Trisana Cox told the awardees to enjoy their achievements and embrace all the feelings that come their way because this is a milestone in their lives. She also offered advice for excelling in life to them: “Practice; yes, practice makes perfect; try something over and over until you are good at it. Try being self-motivated as much as possible. You may not have teachers for all your subjects, but don’t let that deter you; there’s a lot we can learn on our own.”
Cox told the awardees they should try and set goals as much as possible for any task at hand and once they have met those goals, they should reward themselves by doing something they enjoy.
She stated things are much easier and rewarding when there is a parent who is supportive and helpful in every way. In closing, she quoted one of Nelson Mandela’s signature statements: ‘“Education is the greatest weapon which can be used to change the world.”’

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